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欢庆卫塞节2024 - 金刚法会 Vesak Day Celebration - Diamond Sutra Repentance Assembly




欢庆卫塞节2024 - 金刚法会 Vesak Day Celebration - Diamond Sutra Repentance Assembly
欢庆卫塞节2024 - 金刚法会 Vesak Day Celebration - Diamond Sutra Repentance Assembly

Time & Location

2024年5月18日 10:30 – 15:30

Singapore, 438 Dunearn Rd, Singapore

About The Event



5月15日 - 农历四月初八(星期三),妙仁法师领众浴佛法会,佛前供灯。




Vesak Day is significant Buddhist holiday commemorating the Birth, Enlightenment and Parinirvana (passing) of the Buddha. 

This year, Poh Ming Tse Temple is organising the following events;

Event 1: Wednesday, 15 May, our Venereble Miao Ren will lead us in bathing of the Prince Siddhartha and light offerings.

Event 2: Saturday, 18 May, our Venereble Miao Ren will lead us in recitation and prostration of the Diamond Repentance Sutra.

Event 3: Tuesday, 21 May, our Venereble Miao Ren will lead us in candle light procession and offerings.

All are welcome to join.

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