楞严咒一日修 - Shurangama Mantra One Day Retreat
|普明寺 Poh Ming Tse Temple
Time & Location
2024年9月29日 08:30 – 17:00
普明寺 Poh Ming Tse Temple, 438 Dunearn Rd, Singapore
About The Event
恭请妙仁法师领众讽诵楞严咒。一日修当天设有点灯祈福,善信即可为家人、亲朋好友点灯祈福。有意参加,恳请善信亲临本寺报名或网上 https://bit.ly/1dayretreatform 报名。
Our Sangha member, Venerable Miao Ren will be leading us a one day retreat in recitation of the Shurangama Mantra. During the retreat event, participants are welcome to contribute for lights offerings. This event is required by registration. Interested parties can visit Poh Ming Tse Temple for registration at Admin office counter or visit https://bit.ly/1dayretreatform to submit online registration.
Registration fee: $20
Light offering: $5
The temple will provide lunch and some light snacks. As a respect to the temple, participants shall wear appropriate and comfortably (T-shirt and track pants). Thank you.