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盂兰盆报恩超荐法会 - Ullambana Memorial Dharma Assembly



Poh Ming Tse Temple

盂兰盆报恩超荐法会 - Ullambana Memorial Dharma Assembly
盂兰盆报恩超荐法会 - Ullambana Memorial Dharma Assembly

Time & Location

2024年8月18日 09:00 – 21:00

Poh Ming Tse Temple, 438 Dunearn Rd, Singapore 289613

About The Event


一般华人传统认为农历7月是鬼门开的月份,佛教则是在农历7月15日举行孝亲及报恩的法会— 盂兰盆会。







2024年8月5 日 至 16日,上午10点30分至中午12点,恭诵地藏菩萨本愿经





A组 - 净土莲位: 1,000元 (限制10位先人 + 1门堂上历代祖先)独立一席

B组 - 安乐莲位: 500元 (限制6位先人 + 1门堂上历代祖先)大众席

C组 - 超荐莲位: 100元 (限制4位先人 + 1门堂上历代祖先)大众席

D组 - 超荐莲位: 30元(限制1位先人)

E组 - 回向各人历劫冤亲眷属: 30元

F组 - 回向过去父母六亲眷屬: 30元


G组:供斋供众 - 广结善缘: 10元起

H组:供灯: 5元起

欲知详情,请致电本寺6466 0785 或 发WhatsApp简讯至 8056 2456 查询。事务处时间:上午9点至傍晚5点。谢谢

Origin of Ullambana

Contrary to popular Chinese belief that the 7th lunar month is a period when the gates of hell are thrown open, the Buddhist community observes Ullambana, which falls on the full-moon day of the 7th month, as a day of great joy focusing on two universal virtues: filial love and parental gratitude.

Ullambana originated from one of Buddha’s key disciple Venerable Maha Mogallana, who in his deep meditative state saw his late mother reborn as a hungry ghost due to her karmic afflictions. The Buddha advised Mogallana to make offerings to the Sangha members on the full moon day of the 7th lunar month when they came out from their 3-month rainy retreat. With this great merit and the power of the Triple Gem, his mother was liberated from her sufferings.

The Buddha exhorted all his disciples to continue to observe this noble practice for the liberation of suffering for their current parents as well as the parents of their past lives.

Today, Ullambana is widely observed by the Buddhist community with the recitation of Buddhist scriptures and making offerings to the Sangha community, in loving memory of departed ancestors and loved ones. At the same time, it is also important that we remember to show filial compassion and gratitude to our parents and elders who are still living for their kindness and sacrifice in bringing us up.

Commemoration in Poh Ming Tse Temple

Poh Ming Tse Temple (PMT) will be organising the Ullambana Dharma Function as follows:

4 &10 Aug 2024, 10.30 a.m. - 3.30 p.m. Recitation of the Sutra on the fundamental vows of Bodhisattva Kshitigarbha (Full Volume), led by our resident Venerable

5-8 & 10-16 Aug 2024, 10.30 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. Recitation of the Sutra on the fundamental vows of Bodhisattva Kshitigarbha (One scroll), led by our resident Venerable

9 Aug 2024, 10.30 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. Recitation of the Sutra on the fundamental vows of Bodhisattva Kshitigarbha (Two scrolls), led by our resident Venerable

18 Aug 2024, 9.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m. Recitation and prostration of the Great Compassion Water Samadhi Repentance Sutra, led by invited Venerable guest

18 Aug 2024, 5.00 a.m. - 9.00 p.m. Performing ritual of almsgiving to the lower realms beings, led by invited Venerable guest

Memorial Tablet for preference:

Group A - Pureland Memorial Tablet (Limited to 10 departed names + 1 ancestors of all generation): $1,000 (One table offerings)

Group B - Tranquillity Memorial Tablet (Limited to 6 departed names + 1 ancestors of all generation): $500 (Mass offerings)

Group C - Memorial Tablet (Limited to 4 departed names + 1 ancestors of all generation): $100 (Mass offerings)

Group D - Memorial Tablet (Limited to 1 departed names): $30.

Group E - Dedication to individual Karmic Creditors: $30.

Group F - Dedication to Beings from Realms of all phenomena: $30.


Group G - Vegetarian offerings to the Buddha: $10 above.

Group H - Light offering: $5 above.

You may use the link: to submit your form via online registration.

Please feel free to contact us at 6466 0785 or WhatsApp us at 8056 2456 during our office hours: 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.

Thank you.

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