About Us
Poh Ming Tse (PMT) Temple is a Buddhist temple located in the Bukit Timah district of Singapore.
The Chinese name of 'Poh Ming Tse' (普明寺) means 'the temple of illumination', or 'the temple of abundant brightness'.
As a modern temple dedicated to the needs of urban dwellers, PMT offers a peaceful and welcoming environment for all to learn and practise the teachings of the Buddha.

Our Logo
The logo is inspired by the Sanskrit word 'pāramitā', which means 'perfection', but can also mean "to cross to the other shore". Through the practice of the six pāramitās (perfections), as symbolised by the Bodhi leaf in the logo, sentient beings can cross the sea of suffering (i.e. the world of cyclic existence, known as samsāra) by practising the Buddha's teachings, which are represented by a boat. Ultimately, all sentient beings can purify their ignorance and delusion to attain awakening and enlightenment. *The six pāramitās (perfections) are generosity, morality, patience, diligence, concentration and wisdom.
* The six pāramitās (perfections) are generosity, morality, patience, diligence, concentration and wisdom.
Our Vision
Our vision is to be a non-sectarian platform to support all teachings of the Buddha.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide a conducive Dharma learning environment through regular, quality Dharma programmes.
Board of Trustees
Venerable Miao Ren
Mr Chia Quee Khee
Mr William Chua
Management Committee
Dr Ho Eu Chin (Chairman)
Venerable Miao Ren (Secretary)
Mr Lim Kien Chuan (Treasurer)
Mr William Chua
Mr Nixon Na
Ms Karen Ng
Mr Ow Yeong Wai Kit
Ms Tang Buay Choo
Mr Han Zhengjie
Operations & Admin
Mr Wilson Lui
Operations & Admin
Ms Carole Peck
Accountant Clerk
Ms Meganne Tan
Publicity & Programme