Donate to Us
All donations are for the pursuit of Dharma activities. The gift of the Dharma excels all gifts.
Volunteer with Us
We have a variety of volunteering opportunities for everyone. Join us and be part of our volunteer community.
Presenting light offerings to the Triple Gem is one of the key devotional Buddhist practices, and a basis of merit and wholesome action.
How to Donate
By ePayment - PayNow

PayNow to :
UEN S91CC0841G
For general donation, kindly input in the reference "General Donation". Print screen of the transaction and send to our WhatsApp 8056 2456 for our reference.
By Cheque
Made payable to :
Poh Ming Tse Temple
Mail to :
438 Dunearn Road
Singapore 289613
Please include your name and address behind the cheque.
By Cash
Please visit our Front Office from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM to make cash donations.
You will be issued a receipt for the donation.
Alternatively, you can also put your donation into the donation boxes located in the temple if you do not require any receipt.
For Information
Charity Registration: 0841
Business Registration: 199607186C
The Temple does not have the status of an Institution of Public Character (IPC).
We are not authorised to issue tax deduction receipts for tax-deductible donations received. We seek your kind understanding for this.