欢庆卫塞节 2024 - 佛诞日普佛 Vesak Day celebration - Bathing of Prince Siddhartha
Wed, 15 May

Time & Location
15 May 2024, 10:30 – 21 May 2024, 21:00
Singapore, 438 Dunearn Rd, Singapore 289613
About The Event
5月15日 - 农历四月初八(星期三),妙仁法师领众浴佛法会,佛前供灯。
Vesak Day is significant Buddhist holiday commemorating the Birth, Enlightenment and Parinirvana (passing) of the Buddha. Celebrations typically include visiting temples, meditating, performing acts of kindness and offering of lights.
This year, Poh Ming Tse Temple is organising the following events;
Event 1: Wednesday, 15 May, our Venereble Miao Ren will lead us in bathing of the Prince Siddhartha and light offerings.
Event 2: Saturday, 18 May, our Venereble Miao Ren will lead us in recitation and prostration of the Diamond Repentance Sutra.
Event 3: Tuesday, 21 May, our Venereble Miao Ren will lead us in candle light procession and offerings.
All are welcome to join.